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This was my first jam as well! Loved your game. The ramping difficulty was nice, made for fun short sessions where I was encouraged to try and beat my previous score. 

You've got lots of cool elements in here. Some better indication of the power would be nice -- I saw the orange color for the player, but there may be some clearer indications (sound effects) to show its readiness and duration.

The background was a bit dizzying at high speeds - think it's just because of the pattern/texture. 

Great job, keep up the work, it's motivating to see folks nail projects like this on their first jams.


Yo, I'm glad you enjoyed my game!

Gosh I KNEW I would forget something before exporting and it turned out to be the power up sound :")). Sry about that!

Your game motivated me in return to bring some friends next time, so I hope you guys also keep up the great work!