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Thanks for the review! And I'm glad someone got my community reference :). The idea of the reload mechanic is that it attempts to keep the action coming nonstop, so much so that the PCs barely even have time to reload before the next crazy thing happens. It also kind of incentivizes a risk reward system where maybe a PC decides to keep on moving with fewer guns and go into the next scenario with the upper hand, rather than reloading and immediately being in a bad situation. I do admit though it's a little clunky and unfortunately i didn't get the time to properly playtest this zine, so I don't know if my ideas translate well to the table. Thanks again for the comment!

Thanks for the feedback! Am I reading your intentions right that SOMETHING happens whenever someone reloads, even if it's an otherwise narratively calm moment? (Riding in a stagecoach or in their room above the bar or what have you?)


correct, it's really meant for chaotic oneshots where it's just nonstop action