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An excellent entry.

Very pleasant graphics. The main character is decently animated. The controls are quite smooth, and the central mechanic of aiming with arrows and later collecting them is well-implemented. Fitting music.

The main difficulty I had is that, although I managed to acquire the linking arrows, I could not figure out how to share energy between devices. This should be a little more intuitive.

 When falling on spikes, the player character gets a bit of a boost in height. I expect this is intentional (to allow the hero to escape from a pit), but for some reason it is also accompanied by a frame rate drop.

Also, the torches in the environment are very dim. The light given off by a torch should be brighter and have a slightly larger radius.

Lastly, a bit more variety in the enemy designs would have been welcome.


Thanks for checking the game!

Sorry for lack of explanation in game, I was hoping it would be more intuitive honestly, the mechanic of linking arrow is that you hit electrified machine with one arrow and use second arrow to hit unpowered machine, thus powering it up. I wish I had time to make more enemies as well, but overscoping is a sickness and i fell sick during the jam (figuratively and literally as well :c)

Oh yes. Scoping correctly is always a challenge in these small, quick projects!

Anyway, congrats on a very good game.