yo look guys it's the funny Kase game!!!1!
Not gonna lie, it feels pretty awkward to write a serious review for this one, but I'll try x)
First of all the game is really pretty, it certainly has it's own style, and the music you chose also gives well the vibes you wanted to give, despite me memeing about them a lot on the server. The gameplay is also very fluid and feels great to play... For most of time.
I think my biggest nitpick I never really noticed until you added the more bullet-hellish bosses is that I have very little air control. Like, if I jump while moving and just release the move button, the char will keep on going until I press to move to the opposite direction. This doesn't impact gameplay so much at first, but when you have to do some more quick acrobatics to dodge something it can really screw you up sometimes.
Speaking of the bosses, they really aren't bad bosses at all despite all my personal biases you're already tired of hearing me damping on discord, but the Pufferfish and Mr. Death in specific are 2 that feel very out of place on this game.
Firstly we have the pufferfish, whose sin he commits is being a super spammy boss the more you do damage on him, not to mention there is no clear telegraph for when he's gonna shoot spikes or not so there really is no way to defeat him properly witouth just standing on the corner and slowly shooting knivies at him wich I personally don't really think is super fun. It also kinda gets dragged down a bit because of the sluggish water movement, it really doesn't tie well with how fast the boss expects me to be in order to avoid both his spikes and himself, specially when we consider there are no variable jump heights, so I'm always either on the floor or on thr roof, no in-between.
Now Mr. Death Funni Dude is a boss that I think looks like would be amazing if he was in a game properly suited for bullet-hells, but this is sadly not the case. As mentioned before, the player's hitbox is way too big to actually fit into most of the bullet gaps, and the controls thenselves are also not tight enought to allow for proper precise dodging, idk if you noticed on the video I sent on discord, but I got hit quite a few times due to the char's deacceleration being too weak, and the strong knockback + kinda too few i-frames also allowed for me to get ping-ponged between bullets. It also really lacks some telegraphing, There's no way for me to react to some of his patterns on time when I'm too close to him.
Okay I really didn't want this to become a Boss review essay, but I just went with the flow of what I was writing and it just ended up becoming one lmao.
Anyway, still a gud game, a honor to be on so much of the credits despite not even remenbering having helped that much xD