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Excellent! Thank you! Although even 999 lives may still not be enough for me. ;-)


Ha!  Well done on finding it. 

I don't know if you noticed the new couple of tips I wrote on the page, but don't bother trying to get past the Jetman screen. It will cost you all those lives. :)

I did, thanks! 

Erm, I feel bad about my never-ending stream of requests, but is there a way past this?

 The red ball things look like they're important, but it's eluding me.

Don't worry about all the questions, it's just nice to get some feedback and am happy to answer anything. :)  I'm afraid there's no way past that, and that red thing is just an artefact from the Monty Mole graphics I ripped.  It doesn't do anything.  The Dark Sceptre character also blocks another level, and there's no way past that (until I add another level and remove the blockage).