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You're the one not listening. That's why you keep spamming tangents without ever adressing the points people make. Sscond time I see you do it in a week or two. Last time you couldn't even tell apart who you were talking to, if you recall.

Only those three side girls are available as soon as the freeroam opens, and none of the characters you brought up. If you know the game, you know exactly who can be met right away. Maxy and Gia are introduced later. You have to wait for Maxy to show up in the Barrie's after a few shifts, and Gia is met when you go to other restaurants, along with Layla. Check your facts before you try to "explain".

The side girls may not be that important for the main story, but they ARE important for the game world in general. If the world doesn't feel alive. it detracts from the main story too. This is a free roam game, not a kinetic VN. Free roam exists so you can explore and interact freely.

To believe something means to see it as truth. To perceive something as lie, one needs to see it isn't true. Those states are mutually exclusive. That's basic logic, and I'm doubtful that you're being honest about not understanding such a basic concept.

I don't know why you're astroturfing these comments and acting like a know-it-all when you're the exact opposite, but it's not helping. Not the commenters, not yourself, and least of all stawer and his game. Nothing is worse for a game than an overeager fan poisoning discourse with derailing non-sequiturs and self-absorbed arrogance.