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I'm sure she was waiting because she forgot her crucifix but it still felt a little more ominous than it (probably) is. Though that would be giving our C-Men a bit too much credit and not enough to Ori.

Rational brain: She just remembered that MC still has her crucifix and when she gets it back she'll probably try to leave and possibly be a little cold while she sorts through all her thoughts.

Reading too much into it brain: To both try to understand and get all sides of the story she contacted Gob and Yob. They had her wait at the train station so they could all meet up and clear up any "lies" and "misunderstandings". Their (C-Men's) ulterior motive to try and get MC to go with them to try and squeeze info out of him.

Interesting theories. :P
Obviously I can't tell you which one's correct (if any) but I like where your head's at. :D