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During the Life Coach request, no "special offer" option is appearing when trying to set up shop. Playing 64-bit v0.13.; still in Chapter 1; journal says "[Life Coach] Sell potions at the market and select Carol as a "special offer."" Have found no way to progress quest.

Also, have encountered frequent bugs with selling potions, wherein sold potions weren't properly deducted from inventory -- most of the time, unsold ones would just be lost to the aether, but occasionally fewer-than-were-actually-sold would be deducted (including having one of an item and yet keeping it after selling it). Keeping the potions-for-sale to a small number (~3) tended to avoid this issue. Really bizarre.

(2 edits)

During the Life Coach request, no “special offer” option is appearing when trying to set up shop. Playing 64-bit v0.13.; still in Chapter 1; journal says “[Life Coach] Sell potions at the market and select Carol as a “special offer.”” Have found no way to progress quest.

This quest was written and coded before the journal system was implemented so if do things in certain orders it can sometimes be a little buggy. At some point she’ll save up enough money and return to the tavern or the maid academy where the request will continue, so I’d check those locations. If that doesn’t work let me know, I may need to look at your save file to help, though. Never mind, there was indeed a bug in the code! Apparently the game requires you to unlock one of the other special offers first because I nested the code incorrectly. You should see the option once you unlock the “True Whore” perk, which is related to exhibitionism. Or you can wait for the update tomorrow.

Also, have encountered frequent bugs with selling potions, wherein sold potions weren’t properly deducted from inventory – most of the time, unsold ones would just be lost to the aether, but occasionally fewer-than-were-actually-sold would be deducted (including having one of an item and yet keeping it after selling it). Keeping the potions-for-sale to a small number (~3) tended to avoid this issue. Really bizarre.

I’ve heard reports of bugs like this but I have been unable to reproduce them myself. I suspect it may be a visual bug; like the game is reporting the wrong potions as sold/not sold, but the actual money earned is correct. I’m still trying to reproduce this with consistency though, it seems to work fine for me with any number of potions. I am looking into it though.

Hey! I believe both of these bugs have been fixed! Thank you for reporting them. Your info about the selling bug only seeming to effect large selling lists wound up leading me to the bug! Thanks!