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♥️❤️♥️ I’m delighted you liked those routes and you enjoyed the first bonus scene! ^ ^ 

YES! Fall into the rabbit hole!  The fandom has only grown since your last trip so enjoy the view. 

Idk about Flowerfell. I’m not sure what I would be able to add to it aside from a different ending. I’ll think about it. 

All the fells! I love pretty much every iteration of fells and swaps. Are you aware of the underverse videos? If not I super recommend watching them! 

The Mafiafell should be fun to make and the art for it is so pretty (there’s a comic on Tapas / twitter based off the original ff) so I hope you enjoy it! 🥰

If you do the friendship route you’ll have an option to switch to the Wingding route at the end, if that interests you. 

Oh yes, I know about Underverse, although I didn't finish watching it with my brother.

I think I knew about Mafiatale, from one of those videos featuring the megalovania song from other sans' aus, but never heard of Mafiafell, excited for it though. Just from the little bit I saw in the IF I know it'll be just as great as this IF.

Don't worry, I already did that. More hot than hellfire, tbh.