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No problem, I appreciate any bug report, especially when it can provide more context on how to fix an issue. Thankfully I discovered what was wrong and it will be fixed in the next version.

Which consumables in particular are the ones that you’re finding useless in the late game?

(1 edit)

I was mainly thinking about the supply caches with that comment, in the late game even the highest level variant only gives a pittance, I believe they should work like the healing consumables where they refill off of a percentage, but the healing consumables also have the issue of being rendered void by compassionate soul which heals loads and persists, burning a turn to just heal is kinda wasteful when there are already options that do this and more, such as ariseth's paralysis and magna flash's purification. Maybe healing consumables should get a buff such as the life recovery + a 3 turn buff to defense. Also vampirism does too much damage, you get hit by it and you lose half your life bar, I know you become immune to it with lategame gear but that is more of an admittance of how annoying the status effect is to begin with.  I think the best fix for vampirism would be if you took damage from the status the turn after you first got it not immediatly.