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oh my goodness i'm so sorry about your arm :( i'd say it's good you're taking a break, but honestly that's not a very ideal situation-

i don't really just wanna mention the bad stuff so congratulations on reaching such an impressive milestone! although i really wish people would check out your other content as well,  because as much as i love the two Blythes, i definitely have my own favorites lol

p.s. don't worry about replying, just get better and don't strain yourself<3 i imagine making this post must've been difficult enough


Haha, yeah, it's definitely not ideal x3 Hoping I will be able to train my left hand to be a bit more useful so I at least get something out of it xD

Cheers ^-^ It's a mystery to me why someone that happened to like at least 1 of my games wouldn't go on to check out the rest, but it is what it is I guess x3

And, well, I did anyway xP It actually helps a little to break up my day if I type up small amounts at a time towards replies in my phone notes in between watching some TV and reading a book, haha. Takes me ages to do it, but I'll get there eventually :D Did the post bit by bit over a few days, haha.


ooo, ambidextrous melancholy marionette era

it really doesn't make sense, but i guess people sometimes just don't think to check the creator's profile, i've probably done that before

sighhh. i was gonna be upset at first that you ended up replying but if it's good for your arm and you did it in breaks then i won'ttt, thank you for not typing it all at once-

best wishes, i hope your arm heals as quickly as the human body will allow :D


Hehe... Weeeeeell, I don't think I'm getting very far x3 I reckon my left hand is still currently quite clumsy >.<

I'm actually going to attempt to go on my PC if I can soon, even though my arm is still in the cast, just to see if speech-to-text will work any better if I can sit in front of a microphone cos it would be easier than trying to type one-handed. It's just the speech-to-text was awful when I tried it on my phone x3 cos if it works decently enough, I might be able to respond to things easier, and maybe even do a lil bit of 'writing' here and there towards projects while I'm still healing up. Cos it's driving me insane not being able to work on anything!

Thank you again ^-^