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Easy FPS Editor v1.6

Simple way to create an old-school First Person Shooter! · By JessicoChan

Playing a sound and showing virtual novel at the same time.

A topic by Pixel Wolf created Mar 12, 2023 Views: 178 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hello again :) 
Sorry for all the questions just trying to figure it all out. 

I can get the virtual novel feature working via a terminal (though if there is a way to link this to a decoration would be great)
I want it to show the text but also play a sound of it being read out. Is this possible?
This is the script that I have that works

vn 1
text "To all station personel, the new security bot has now been activated on the station."
text "Keep your station ID on you at all times ore the security bot will deem you to be a threat."
text "That is all."
map return

I tired to add this to the beginning but broke the script :P 

auto 1
play sound securityupdate Sounds\voice\securityupdate.ogg

Thanks for the help guys! 


No. Text sound was never implemented.You can somewhat se a simpl sound bu you ned to add it in a list:


and then play it

play sound NAME

(1 edit)

Ok, got it and working well thank you!

and you can make decorations that trigger a script the same way a terminal does:

just create a script with the same name as your decoration. when you "use" the decoration it will trigger that script

Even better, thank you!