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(1 edit) (+1)

This is a flexible game that gently encourages real life activities of your choice. I have been using index cards, with the Mandrake drawing on the blank side, and info about the species and soil on the lined side. 

The whole book has a kind tone, and emphasizes the individual person tuning it to what they enjoy. I am enjoying using this to reward myself for small good habits (like getting through a work day, or stretching) and I keep a Mandrake in Retort's soil so there's always at least one that gets to grow. I like that there is no cost to failure, someone else can always care for your mandrakes, and they can just grow slowly if needed. It's a nice excuse to doodle a leaf in the morning and reflect on things I did.

I could see this being fun to do with children, perhaps using a large piece of paper and crayons if they are younger, or using stickers or a coloring page to gradually fill in. If you want something that pushes you to reach for loftier goals, but doesn't punish you for missing a day, this may work for you! If you feel like the many habit-forming phone apps are too pushy with their notifications, or you feel bad seeing a tracker skip a day, or you just like the excuse to use a pen and paper, then I would recommend giving it a try.

This review earned me +15 Archivist Points for Heroic Archivist. :)

Thank you for the wonderful review! And congratulations on the Archivist Points!