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Heya, this is Oracle Nerd Richie. You may remember me from the previous video. Um, how am I suppose to get through the "Follow Muggy sound" quest? I only have one earphone. I need more clear instructions on what to do. Mind helping me out?

Hey!!! Oh, gosh, it would be hard to do if you only have one 💦 Because the sound comes from the left, right, and front, and you need to press in the direction that it comes from. But if you only have one then it will make it hard to hear...

Hmmm, the big piece of advice I always give for this part is that there's no penalty for stepping in the wrong direction. So you can keep trying all the different directions (left, right, and up on the keyboard) again and again basically until you get it right and take a step. So if you can't hear where the step is coming from, just keep clicking left, right, and up over and over every time there's a sound and you'll eventually get it right LOL This usually works pretty well to get past this part (I did it to get past this part quickly when I was working on it hahaha).

I've tried it and it doesn't work. I keep dying over and over. If you ever make a remake, please add a visual indicator for the direction. I can't get past this otherwise. Thanks.

I'm so sorry this is causing you so much trouble, I feel awful 💦

I re-downloaded and played through the game until that part and then recorded a vid of me getting past the scene without using any audio. Maybe this could help???? (Make sure you're using the Left, Up, and Right arrow keys and not WASD). It takes about a minute once you're past the final dialogue of Easter saying "...nevermind."