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Stupidly good. For a game that DARES to say "0.3" you have quite a bit of content to do. I can't say I'm the... main demographic for this game as I'm not exactly attracted to dudes, but this is one of those "must play" lewd games. Can't wait to see it finished!


Thank you very much for the comment. A "must play", huh? Did you hear about our game from elsewhere, or did you happen to stumble upon it yourself?

Either way, thank you for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed yourself with the game. I'll say right now that... there's not planned to be any sexual content involving women in the game, but we appreciate you playing regardless.


I actually stumbled upon this game while I was surfing through I normally don't play anything that isn't half-way done, but I'm a sucker for the latex and the art looked good so "why the hell not?". The scene's are absolutely great and the combat is pretty solid. I enjoy the extra touch of adding sex into combat with the "grapple" system.