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Ah thank you so much for this comment! I didn't think somebody would like my game this much to do something like this. The name you choose at the beginning doesn't affect your endings, and is only there as a little easter egg to show how Akano gets uncomfortable at the mention of a certain person.

To get another ending, you progress towards the Defended Yourself ending, but divert at the final choice. (You my have gotten this ending by the time I'm responding to this, but just in case you haven't). And I admit the final ending is hard. It is the "true" ending, and requires very specific dialogue choices in order to be obtained. I can post a walkthrough for this if it is deemed to difficult to obtain.

(By the way, the chat with Akano when he sits with you at the table doesn't matter choice-wise, it's just there as a bonding moment. However choices like introducing your name do matter).

I'm so glad you like my game!

After a bit of trial and error, I have successfully evaded death(at least for now). Alva is adorable, by the way.