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Cute game :-)

Really like the pixel art and the music and I caught myself wishing for more levels.

Some aspects were a bit confusing: the game teach us in the start to interact with things with 'e' key but to get items on the ground is needed click on them. It took me a while to figure out how to get the key, for example. Another point is that sometimes is not so obvious where use the collected items (the hammer, for example. The tip tell us to use in a house, but which house? Adding a cracking in the house's wall would be an interesting help) and the dark house were too dark which made it very difficult to see anything. 

But overall I had a lot of fun with the game and managed to finish it. Nice Job!

Thank you so much for your comment :)

I understand all your points, for the e key and clicking I just hadn't enough time to change that because I didn't want to have the text box pop up for the key, otherwise you would get the key really easily. Maybe I will upload a fixed version with some more levels after the jam. 

Glad you liked it!