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I'm honestly astounded at how well written this VN is. I've never read/played one that has such deep characters. It's refreshing to see the relationships develop and not have them jump straight into sex.  I can actually relate to some of the things the characters are goung through, like Harold. Personally I think that's what makes this VN so incredible, the fact that it has actaul, deep characters that aren't all sexually driven (not counting Darius). It makes you want to empathize with what they're going through.

Thanks so much!  I definitely didn't want to go down the sex right away routes with them.  I wanted to take it slowly!  Glad you enjoy how I've written it too =3

You have no clue how I excited I am for the next update. If I was finacailly stable in any form I would gladly support this project on Patreon because it's that good. It's very rare for me to enjoy a VN as much as I have with this one, the writing is so good (if a bit formal) and I honestly can't wait for the next installment.