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Interesting graphics, I like it. Neat intro. A bit weird with the black ground maybe but it would probably look too busy with it textured. Some sidebars/vignette would be nice for the 4:3 image. I played it downloaded. Some of the enemies are a bit too unclear I think, especially the spider. First time I fought the spider I died, unless I'm missing something all you can do at that point is bash it so if you die its just due to bad luck. Really don't think it should be possible to die to the first enemy at all if its just luck.

No save after starting the game? Had to watch the intro again with no way to skip it, this time the game locked up on the spider fight after I clicked to bash it. Had to alt+F4 to exit the game. Had to watch the intro again, if you alt tab out of the window the current sound stops playing. Also time stops in the game when alt tabbed so I had to sit and wait for the intro again. 

This time I played up til the two bears fight next to the bird. Clicked bash til I died. No saves so I stopped playing after that. Is there a way to save and I just missed it? Fights seem unfair if its just up to luck if you die or not, but again I don't know if I'm supposed to do something different. I got the Move ability but never tried it because it doesn't sound very good and if you're so close to death all the time I didn't feel like I could risk trying it out.

Good job, first time trying the game out.

Is there a way to save and I just missed it?

There's a pearl that you can save at, but you wouldn't have seen it at the point you were in.

No save after starting the game? 

Good point, that intro cutscene is long. I'll change it so that it saves after you get out of the hole. I also had a continue system that restarts you in the same room if you die, I just never finished implementing it, but I'll get to it.

Fights seem unfair if its just up to luck if you die or not

Yeah they're really RNG dependent right now. I tried balancing the level so that you just barely survive, but if enemies crit or you miss too often that goes out the window. I'm working on changing the first level right now. Giving you a heal ability at the start, starting you off with some more moves, stuff like that to make it easier and less linear.