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Just a few suggestions, but how about a designated shield crafting spot next to saw table, it could have a clamp or something to hold the shield in place which would be better cause all of my shields just get stuck in the crafting table.  Also, customers should be able to specify the kind of boss on a shield e.g laurel 1/2 or the others rounded bosses; shields should also, be orders that can be picked up the next day, or a couple days later. This is because they take 5-25 minutes (depends on the players' skill, PC, and familiarity with the game) it would be a lot easier to fulfill shield orders that way. Next something needs to be done about how to select things on the radial menu especially for making shields; perhaps players could use the right shift+B (blades), or A (axes), or H (hammers), and S (shields) this could then be followed by a number 0-9 and that number would be a hotkey for a specific blade type or hammer head (I realize that this might seem a little silly for axes with their being only a handful of styles, but for everything else it would be a huge time saver). Last thing I had on my mind was the possible addition of like the main character having a son or apprentice, I'm leaning more towards apprentice, the apprentice could in the early game help with making some basic weapons like daggers, one handed hammers, and one handed axes; as the game progresses the apprentice could start making swords, great-swords, and even shields. Finally maybe after discovering some of the borderline rare metals the apprentice could even start taking care of the shop, while the player is out getting some more ores and chopping down trees to make shields, the apprentice can take orders from customers and fulfill them on behalf of his master.