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!?!?! how does your friend have access to a REAL gun that can chamber REAL ammo?!?!?! why would the adults let him shoot u? aren't they charged w/ gunpowder? 

Ye, he has his own shooting range, his dad is into guns (Military wannabe) and gave him a revolver for his birthday last year. + His parents are the type that let him do whatever he wants, and they really didn't care.

Bruhhhhh as a person who lives in the USA I'm not gonna even react this is just the normal standards here, I walk into a store for pants and i walk by shotguns and pistols.

school shootings every single day too

ye, lol

r u wary around that friend? If their parents dont care do they lock real bullets and other guns in a safe? letting a kid do whatever they want and giving them a real functioning gun is dangerous . . . 

I try to only see him once a year. But yeah, I know he does have bullets in his drawers.

He also has 1 rifle, and a few ARs...

I try not to see him often.

You're telling me . . . a kid in a state with strict gun laws has SEVERAL automatic rifles!?!?!?


(1 edit)

ok that's crazy, is he a true friend?

Nope, sub-par friend. Like the guy you need to be friends with unless he'll shoot you.

So you're bring friends with him so he won't put a bullet in your head?