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  • Takes too long for the first enemy to appear (~20+ seconds)
  • [Templar] It is quite uncomfortable to play without knowing the cooldown for main attack (space bar) and when it recharges
  • Character automatically turns right each time you stop input, so attacking monsters to the left is hard and uncomfortable. Would be easier if character kept the direction he last faced
  • [Templar] Shields that appear in front of the character stop his own movement. It makes things worse for you when you're running away from the horde and then this thing appears in front of you and blocks your movement
  • When game offers to select a power-up, game slows down heavily. Seems like it is intended - to slow down the game to select an upgrade, but it's too jumpy when you are moving. Works smooth enough when standing in one place.
  • Sometimes power-up choice appears empty (no item icons). The choice can be made with hotkeys, and something indeed happens, but I can't understand, what
  • Icons in power-up choices are not very clear and there is no description on what I am actually selecting, it's hard for me to do an informed choice
  • Game starts in Spanish (switching language is quite easy, though)

Haven't unlocked another characters, can't say anything about their controls & usability.

Anyway, good job making it this far! Good luck!

(2 edits) (+1)

I Appreciate your Feedback.

I know the Shield For the Templar is a bit annoying but only when you have slow attack speed, when you reach the limit  like attacking every 0.1 seconds, the shield always spawns in front of you without stoping your movement. I think in that case the shield is a bit Over power.

I dont know either the problem with the level up that the selection doesnt show... but it seems to be only when you level up for the first time each run idk. And the game slow is intended. Now that I look at it, I think you are talkin about the Level Up selection only shows one or two icons, it's because of how I code that system, I did it all by myself  and I struggle with it for a few days, but  I think the "Problem" is that sometimes the 3rd or even the 2nd selection is locked because of Relics that you dont have yet, I will take a look at that code and improve it.

Yes, the game doesnt explain you anything about what power up does what, but I like that concept. Initially I thougth of putting like a info menu for discovered Power Ups or something, but idk maybe in the future.

Indeed, the game Starts in Spanish because its my first language so, I dont think about in what language the game should start, but like you said, its not a big deal switching the language

Again, thanks for your Feedback, I will Fix/Balance all this stuff. If you only have played the Templar, go on with the rest, Templar is only the start.