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With the getting stuck near the stepping stones problem some objects are climbable so try grabbing one of the stepping stones and dragging yourself up. That should fix the issue.

Hi, yes you can grab a rock and get out where I was previously stuck in the water.

Do you have a discord? I can ask more questions there. I can't figure out how to climb using the arrows. If you grab one then it comes out of the wall and into your hand.

Yeah I do have a discord lets move there for future chats

You cant climb using arrows you climb using stakes - I've posted a video on how to shoot stakes out of the crucifix on the discord but basically grab the hammer, hold down trigger and the hammerhead will rock back and forth a bit like a jackhammer... then while its doing that hold the hammerhead up to the metal part on the top of the crucifix near the flame and point the sharpened end of the crucifix where you want the stakes to go.