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the game "Back To School" was one of my first dramatic games, so thank you for your honest and real criticism of the game, while also pointing out other things that make the game more enjoyable. I also noticed you're interested about the story, pretty much, the son is killed at the same school you work for miraculously, and you are the main suspect, but let go due to lack of evidence. The father of Martin has gone mentally insane, believing he himself has a lisp. And the mother has driven to insanity, literally, off of a cliff, meeting her demise. The father is going to Daniel (you) for help. Doing a little digging you find the crime scene of his wife, collecting a piece of paper explaining that she was forced to do it, because she knew something. And the entire family would've been killed if she didn't. Although anyways the father has also died to the same fate his son had. But behind the scenes, Daniel (you) was infact the killer of the child, and directly hired hitmen for the dad and the mom. Then the dad comes back as a ghost and other funny things. But other than the gameplay which I could've done better. I appreciate you liking the story, and being interested in hearing more.

Hey, thank you for the detailed answer about the scenario! :) I understand things better now.
I hope my humble review can help you in any way in the future or was positive to you. Godspeed!

of course