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I love this game already! The art, the music, the story is amazinnnng! I am so stoked for the blue blythe o-o xD i listened to his male voice and the voice actor did SUCH A GOOD JOB AAAAAAAAAA haha >//< i wanna read his route so bad lol i am terrified of him already xD
i do have question tho o-o


what the hell happened in the bad end "Devoured End"?? WHAT HAPPEND? WHAT DID HE DO? DID THE BUNnIES REALLY EA T ME? WHY? owo why would he want that....


^-^ Glad to hear you had fun with it! Thanks so much for playing!

Yeah, the voice actors really did a tremendous job with the characters :D Glad you especially enjoyed the blue version of Blythe :3 No need to be terrified, blue Blythe just wants to give you your best-ever birthday, same as orange Blythe does :P

And I shall answer your question (sort of x3) under...


Yes, the bunnies did really swarm and eat you, but not in the sense that they actually caused you to physically die x3 It was more just one of Blythe's illusions to shock you into a state of unconsciousness and make you more suggestible so that they can start over again. It's a pretty mean way of going about it >.< But blue Blythe has a nasty habit of playing different sorts of games with poor Bunnie, some nice, some just plain cruel x3 almost all of them for their own amusement, even if they claim that it's for Bunnie's own good, that remains to be seen!