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(2 edits)

I was playing this game  on Android during the last update so when I caught up to the content I decided to delete the app while waiting for the next update and I decided to copy the files but when the new update came out I lost my old files is there a way to quickly catch up to we're I was before with the same choices and things unlocked.

It depends on how long you had the game deleted but I've run into an issue where I lost the data I had then I deleted and re-downloaded the game and had my saves so try deleting then re-download

(1 edit)

Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work

damn sorry!

Unfortunately, no, sorry! If you deleted the game and lost your save files then the only things to do are either to replay through everything again or head to the Discord server and ask if someone can pass you one of their saves (people are always happy to do so).