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I'll just quickly go through your points in order:

1.  The dialogue box won't be changing; it's needed at that size and positioning for the paperdolls and amount of text some characters have

2.  I'll look into this, but I didn't change any of the quick menu code other than the positioning so there's no reason it should be glitching out. Odd!

3.  This is part of the "wonky UI" mentioned in the changelog and will be fixed up over the next few updates

4.  Any picture shrunk to that size would be difficult to see regardless of pixelated or not. It would also severely clash, thematically, with the rest of the pixelated theme. If you're having trouble just sort by name and they'll be listed alphabetically.

5.  It's supposed to disappear when the top nav bar is hidden, but you're saying it stays hidden even when you bring the nav bar back down again? A couple other people have said something similar, so there's definitely a weirdness happening there that I'll look into this week.

6.  I have no idea what this means, sorry.

7.  I assume you mean the "strategise with Jessica" lead (as the "Learn how to Fight" lead clearly informs players to go to the garden.) - I can't make that any clearer, unfortunately, as she moves around daily. However, the ability to call Jessica to the living room any time will be in the next update (out tomorrow).

Hope that covers everything! :)

4. I can understand about the pixelated and I LOVE the pixel battle. What I meant is to just put something like character card that will show the character picture. This thing will be on the right of the character menu, not in the fighter list. This is just suggestion tho.

6. Im sorry. The choice scene UI is not centered like previous version. Just need some time get used to this.