I hope too. What did you even do? A "crime" of which category which would get u into such bit trouble?!?!
bro ☠☠☠ you tried to pull off a heist?!?! Why would you even have that much candy, it would be pretty noticeable for a bunch candy to be gone, lol. I barely have any candy or snacks to stash here, so I just eat them. Idk why your sis would be that lousy and obvious, but Ik you can never trust a sibling if you try to co-op with them on something that your parents dont allow, they always rat you out☠☠☠. It's like a criminal ratting out another one ☠
I'm so sorry for ya bruh, but here's a thing:
I salvage a lot of containers, and like 75% are empty, so i could just store hidden candy like that lol