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PL;' is very weird and wrong. On German Keyboard Layout its PLÖÄ, and they are far enough to the Side that I'm assuming it'll be as weird on others aswell. Why not IJKL?

Overall Movement, stacking, picking up/throwing, and Axe seem to work well. A put down in Place option might be nice tho. That being said, you can throw Stuff of the Map, sometimes very rarely, your Character throws into a wrong direction, I'm assuming it maybe saves the pickup location from when it was held down or something and still has to process that, or it happens when trying to throw while still in the recovery from the Pickupanimation, and while your Push out works mostly, it can push you into the Wrong direction, which causes you to get Stuck on Blocks. You can also sometimes throw Blocks over others, no Ide what causes this, and I once managed to throw one into another, causing it to disappear.

Also your Animations are a bit too long, especially the Axe one being Way too long. 


PL;' was chosen to mirror WASD. It gives your right hand quick access to the enter key and the number row (you can swap weapons from the right side too).  I could swap it to IJKL, but that means I should also change WASD to ESDF. I could do that, and also change the weapon swap from the number keys to W or R. Thanks for the feedback.