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very nice. i'm playing it right now, and i found a really annoying bug that i hope you can fix while DD is ongoing

if you're fighting desert pariahs, there's a high chance that the game will lock without any means of progressing. if a pariah dies, and another pariah acts immediately after, that pariah wont even make a move and the game will be stuck. i assume he is trying to interact with the recently dead one, or the fact that a cocoon/egg thing spawning messed up his logic somehow. it happened twice in the span of 5 minutes, but i'm progressing on. 

either way, the game is great and you can expect a bigger feedback list on the DD page once i'm done.

another quick bug that i found is that i can't start the 2nd new bossfight. clicking it fades the screen, then it unfades back to the world map. nothing else happens. exiting and loading a save doesn't fix it. i probably should've written all of these on the DD page, but i'm saving that for when I finish the demo.

Sorry I couldn't reply earlier, I uploaded the game before going to work. Thank you for the feedback.

I found the problem with the boss fight, it was just a missing line and it should work as intended now. The issue with the pariah enemy was simple too, just a missing signal. I think I had never noticed it because I always kill the bulb ASAP during testing because they are super dangerous.

thanks for the quick fix, I’ll give it another go soon and I’ll post my feedback in the dd page 

It wasn't a quick fix but a dumb mistake.