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Welp. Gona be my last post here 

(I know i know, who asked?)

Anyway. I really liked this game. Was here since 2020 and honestly, had a blast playing. But things changed. Mostly the fact that updates takes now one year instead of 1 month, like it was back in the days. 

I don't blame anyone, making game with little to no team is hard, But at the same time it started to take ages. 

For now gona quit patreon and move to others titles. Meabye i ll come back after 2-3years to check out progress.

Was a pleasure to be a part of this game. 

Good luck.

Deleted 266 days ago

You could just pay for Patreon membership as new updates roll out. A monthly membership with nothing to show for it doesn't incentivize progress (Summertime Saga is a great example of this). In my line of work, I'm expected to produce results for people that pay me to do a job. I expect no less when I choose to support a project.

For the record, I think MGD is a great game. I just can't justify spending money on a project when updates are few and far between, and with minimal new content.


Or, they could quit scamming the patrons and just release updates.

Deleted 266 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Nah, it's pretty shady. If they wanted to update so sporadically they should shift their patreon to charging per update.

Yeah, I hear ya, OP. I used to be a patron, but I stopped after I noticed how long updates were taking. Lastly, while I partially understand Bradd D's position, I'd like to remind him/her that patrons can stop being patrons when they want to.