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The game has a very well done environment. I realiz that it is in an early state but I would recommend a couple of improvements for the future. First, when picking up the gear at the beginning of the game, I was able to pick up the armor (since they were fairly good size), however, I could not see the very small red dot that had to be pointed at the sword to pick it up & therefore could not pick it up until I finally saw the dot during the second time that I played.  I would recommend either enlarging the dot or changing it to a large cross-hair or just something with better visibility.  Secondly, when the character is running, there isn't any change in speed whether ahe is on flat ground or going up a rocky mountain.  It seems to me that the speed should be adjusted but if that is not important an aspect then leave it the way it is. Finally,  swordplay was awful.  If it is supposed to be then leave it but it was very difficult to fight those little goblin like creatures as the sword just did not appear to be working right ot going in the right direction. Maybe the sword movement needs to be a slash like a broadsword instead of something that appears to be a straight on stabbing motion similar to  a gladius since the sword appears to be of a larger size.


Hello :) Thank you for your comment! I hope you enjoyed the game regardless of the difficulties. I will definitely use your feedback for the future updates! After many days of developing and testing I simply grow used to the flaws, so I really appreciate your comment.