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(2 edits) (+1)

thanks so much for the kind words! I'll probably put the music on bandcamp or spotify at some point because I would like it to live somewhere. as for the combat system, that's a totally fair assessment. the boss doesn't respawn after you die which is a significant bug. and the fact that it glitches and disappears when you corner it is also a bug. we'll definitely work those out if we decide to continue development! 

the idea behind the grey circles was to establish a combat system separate from health points-the grey represents Olive's anxiety. so when she gets hit, her anxiety increases, and when she hits the boss, her anxiety decreases. the art team had some icons mocked up for this mechanic (hearts for the red dots and swirls for the grey dots), but unfortunately we didn't have time to build them into the actual game. 

edit: OST is free to download on bandcamp now


Huge OST I love it