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I was trying to tie secrets more into the nature of the world and monsters than into the way players interacted with each other, emphasizing that players would have to discover  hidden knowledge and secret weaknesses of their more powerful foes in order to win. It's a common theme in the mythology I was trying to emulate: In the original story of Abhartach, he's slain twice before a wise druid tells the king that he must be buried upside down to prevent his rising. I could have emphasized it better; unfortunately I probably had a few too many ideas to squeeze into a month-long jam. Thanks for the feedback!

Ahhhhh! You did mention that one of the monsters had no specific way to kill it -- that they're all unique. I thought that was a cool idea at the time, but wasn't sure how the characters were supposed to figure it out. Giving them an NPC quest is a good idea.

And to clarify, I do like the lore a lot. I wasn't kidding when I said that I'd love to run this; if I get the chance, I will! :)