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HI I just wanted to say that I loved this game. OELVNs aren't usually my cup of tea (I know this was based on a Japanese audio drama but you know what I mean lol) but I really enjoyed this one. It's silly and fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll definitely check out your other stuff while I wait for Volume 2, but I just wanted to share my appreciation since I saw you mention getting hate in another comment. I was especially pleased about how inclusive this was with being able to select the gender of your love interest and your pronouns. You made this lesbian very happy with that feature <3

Aww, well thanks so much for checking it out and taking the time to comment :3 I'm so glad you had fun with it!

Yeah, the hate is not fun, haha. And most of it is either via email or in the ratings section of the page rather than comments, where, sadly, I can't even reply cos itch doesn't let you respond to ratings >.< It's so frustrating because if I could respond to those bad ratings where the main issues mentioned are related to disliking the characters or content of the story, then I could at least explain to them that they're not my characters or story >.< but the option isn't there, so then people just leave those crappy ratings which hammer down the game's visibility in searches and then leave without even realising what the project is supposed to be. It just sucks x3

I guess maybe I shouldn't let that stuff outweigh the positives though since it seems like more people have enjoyed it than not. It's just easy to get dispirited when those sorts of remarks are coming at me and I can't even explain anything, haha.

Well, making someone happy makes my day ^-^ I try to be as inclusive as I can in my projects :3 I'm a little limited by the fact that I can only edit assets since I can't draw to save my life, which means if I'm not working with an artist on something, I can only use what I have in my collection of assets. As far as pronouns and the gender of love interests go though, I've managed to make that available in most of my projects :3 It's an option in IMPOSTOR, Darling Duality, Love in Lockdown, and Bitter/Sweet Blythe. Then there isn't any romance in Limbo Line, but you can pick MC's pronouns + pick a masculine or feminine voice for your boss and build platonic friendships. And in The Graveyard shift, there's also no romance, but you can choose the gender of the protagonist and your partner :3

I had hoped to make GxG and BxB versions of Solipsism Reigns and Apartment No.9 at some point, but because they're longer games, it's just too much work T_T Maybe I still will someday. And going forward, I always want to try my best to continue having as much inclusivity as I can :3