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OK, this actually genuinely surprised me... in many ways.
I normally think of myself being quite harsh when playing and 'judging' little indie games, especially horror games as, lets face it, most are pretty bad. But this i really enjoyed. Enjoyed a bit too much i think haha. 
I first read the word 'jumpscare' and though, great, another game, that throws, cheep nasty jumpscares, expecting thats what makes a good horror. but no, this game is so much more. the atmosphere alone is creepy as hell, not being able to see that far ahead of you, then constant strange sounds and the fear that something is always lurking around the next corner. Absolutely love the graphics of this and always think people underestimate a game when using this style. Still freaky with the filter and probably makes it moreso because of it.
I recorded a little bit of this game, didnt get very far as i was getting a bit lost. Think i was meant to be hunting for a key, but couldnt find it.
But i will definitely be going  back to this game in my own time, thats for sure. Such a great little game. Honestly cant give you feedback on how to improve it. in 4 days, this is kinda impressive. Well made!