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To The Slaughter is a supplement and mini-campaign for FIST revolving around the modern corporate animal-butchering system.

The PDF is 20 pages, with a rad neon-washed cover and a readable but sort of chaotic and zine-y interior. There's hand-drawn illustrations, photobashed public domain art, jumbled fonts, and a feeling of everything being stuffed onto the page, but it's charming and doesn't interfere much with readability.

The first bit of content in the supplement is the RMPN, an extremely good piece of tech for scenario writing. It allows you to show an NPC's personality, values, emotional precarity, and a lot of other data in a small, somewhat arcane looking graphic---and it also allows you to quickly and randomly generate NPCs at a level of fairly intense emotional depth.

After the RMPN is a mini campaign about small farming vs big agribiz. It's a little goofy in tone, but has a solid narrative structure and a sense of escalating stakes and fun NPCs and setpieces.

Overall, this is a really solid supplement and would work just as well for a more lethal, grounded system like Delta Green. It *is* big CW for cruelty to animals, but if that's not a barrier for you then both the mini-campaign and the RMPN mechanic are very worth using, and the campaign is a great read even if you don't run it. If you like modern espionage horror, farmland gothic, and meaty b-movie gore, I strongly suggest picking this up.


Thank you for your review! I was originally planning on doubling down on the jumbled/photo bashed nature by printing everything, physically cut and pasting it back together, putting in hand written notes, and scanning the whole assembly...but I lost access to the scanner I was planning on using and my attempts to fake it with my phone camera left a lot to be desired. 

I'm glad the amateur vibe came through, and that it didn't detract from readability much.

I may extend the RNPM into its own thing later, hyperlinked and with 101 explanations of the psych models employed.


It's a really cool supplement! I'll try to run it for one of my groups when I get the chance.

If you do, and there's a record/synopsis/after action, I'd be stoked to hear/see it. (No pressure/obligation of course!)