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Um I dunno how to get it to have friends I tried 4 rounds, of which 1 whole round was like a million socializing clicks haha funny how all it takes is -1 fun but truth is I only saw Lightning just once of the 6 times I did "3 pets, and 3 plays" I mean forgot to feed it one turn only and it is all of a sudden pretty hungry lols?  I'm pretty sure I saw Hearts in all stages before moving on! - I dunno about the rotten food thingy it pops up way too often for comfort! I don't think realistically food is rotten like 80% of the time lols! - Also if it's a plant then question why does it eat lettuce lols haha - I did get 1 carnivorous plant one time with the 2 red bulbs thingy on it's head! I tried 4 rounds of it but this is prolly the best stats I can get with it "Loving me" that is :) ... but very FUN and CUTE game by far :)