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42, and living off my mom 😎

Jk. Jk. If you want to see my true age, scroll down a few months, it should say it there.


Dang it, you took the fun away ☹️



LOl i found it tho

(1 edit)

yey! Lol

"oops. did i do that?"

"yes, yes you did"

. . . 

. . .

bro that's why you're attracted to my N1 skin ur a 40 yr old living in the basement 💀

Ye, and I also love to online date teens on Roblox 💀

and buys anime figures 💀💀💀

And put them in jars so they don't get dirty 💀☠💀☠💀

bruh I don't even wanna know what they did with those jars before they put the figures in there 💀☠💀

me neither 💀☠💀

discord mop with anime pfp def

Ofc, only the best pfp, lol

Also, here's how I look irl, XDDD

accurate as hell 💀

ayyyy lol i found it! 


Yep, turning twelve in a few months.

Oh that's good:)