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(4 edits)

So I did the tests on windows. I made three save files on linux:

  • Save file 1, made right before going to sleep (before the nightmare)
  • Save file 2, made during the night, in the library, right next to the library exit (after having pressed all the buttons)
  • Save file 3, made right after going to the beach (so without items)

I ran these saves on Windows with the same game version.

  • Starting from save 1, nothing interesting happened. (however my inventory was back as soon as I left the dream; I didn't need to go sip coffee or go to the beach)
  • Starting from save 2, I went through the library exit door and got Error: Could not restore bookmark EQUIPSTATE as it doesn't exist and couldn't continue
  • Save 3 didn't give me my items back

I hope this helps !

Hey, appreciate the thorough report and the details you’ve provided! 

Did you run GROVE via the ‘game’ file? That uses an old runtime that does not properly support the item restoration function unfortunately, so be sure to run the game via the ‘nw’ file instead. If you’re still running into issues, you may have to play it on windows for now. Thanks! 

Hey ! Yeah, I did indeed previously run it via the Game file. Tried again with nw and it works now ! Thanks !