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(1 edit) (+1)

phew! So i finally got around to finishing the available content and just, wow! the world building, the story, THE PLOT (thepornlol). I had a hard time /not/ playing it every second since i downloaded it!!

i really love games where you can do your own thing with side stories or such instead of being obligated to follow the main story and this really scratched that itch for me! I had a fun time exploring the maps and finding everything. i got so absorbed i kept forgetting to save but the bad ends had me seeking them out,,,There was the perfect balance of intriguing storyline and silly side quests! The flavour text made me chuckle. Another case of came for the porn, stayed for the plot!

I can tell a lot of love went into this. you've created such lovable characters and i like the fact that you're given a chance to advance relashionships with all of them! The little ranger has a special place in my heart♥ I cant wait to see more from you guys. Patiently waiting for the next update.

AMAZING game. Keep up the good work.

Thanks a lot for the big, kind comment, Lou! 

It's always a pleasure to read somebody saying something like "came for the porn, stayed for the plot" truly, because it lets us know that our writing style and gameplay design and other aspects could manage to shine enough to keep people invested beyond the most obvious draw.

And well, it's definitely validating for me as the guy who writes a lot of the game content, heh.

Thanks again, so very much! And no pressure at all, but if you've got a few seconds to spare to give the game a rating, it'd be massively appreciated too! 

(1 edit) (+1)

I dont usually rate games but this one is so great I definitely  will; This deserves 10 stars at least!