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Wow, them visuals are juiced so hard. :D

I wanted to have fun but it just didn't feel that way. Controls are pretty slow for a duel-type game. And having everything warping is a great idea but a bit hard to get the hang of. Also I raged about using number [1] button to shoot.

On the other hand audio is fitting and once again visuals are super sick!

(4 edits)

Yeah, the  warping remains unintuitive to me as well. Fortunately I ran out of time to tell the AI how to understand it - so I guess we're all in the same boat.  I guess us humans are so used to left/right and up/down wrapping!

The "1" button to shoot is with intention for when you have multiple people at the same keyboard. In that case, the person on the left tends to steer with the right hand and shoot with the left hand. But yeah, for single player it's a bit strange.

Fun fact about the audio: The lasers and explosions are sounds I made with my mouth and then played around with in Audacity. Yes, doing this was as fun as it sounds....