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You *are* doing a good job.  Each character has a distinct personality and they each have layers.   That's a good thing. 

Don't get wrong, I do like Dante.  Just that his confession was such a surprise to me given that he's flirty by nature all the time so I never took his flirts as serious.

And I'll look forward to Connor's brother then .:D  (Btw, I never gave any thought about what it might be like to work on a movie set.  This is an interesting premise and something of a learning experience for me.)

And my reason for wanting to kick Oliver is how that route ended. LOL  He's adorable in his own way but maddening too.


Like I always say, you dont need/have/must love every character, it's fine. You've never have a friend saying suddenly 'I fancy you' and took you by surprise? Doing that in the game was to show that even being a player, he still has his heart and can easily fall in 'love'. Could have been written better? Probably. 😀

yeah, we really need to see Connor's brother again, right? Let's see how he reacts next time we see him.

Oliver! Oh I know! It was very hard for me ending it that way, believe me! But I don't think the character was ready to give the next step.

Why in a movie studio? Well, I always wanted to work over there, it's what I studied after all!But life takes you down different paths. This is my way of make peace and say thank you 

to that part of my past of broken dreams and failure! 

Few things: 1. Unfortunately, I've never had a friend say that to me.  Actually, no one has said that (or anything close to it) to me.  2. You and I are definitely on the same page about Connor's brother. :D  3. It's alright about Oliver.  I've actually met a couple of officers just like him over the years.  Their career is much more important to them then their personal life.  Curious that it seems to be in law enforcement where that attitude seems most prevalent.  4. I don't consider your not working in a movie studio a failure.  You came away from it with experiences and knowledge that you wouldn't have gotten otherwise and now you're using it in a creative way.  Granted, it's not the way you intended but it's still being used.  Never know, you may still use that knowledge in other endeavours - such as sfw creative writing?  Anything is possible.


Well, take it as a good think that it hasn't happen to you. Unless is a both-way love, it can be very difficult and it can get weird. So... well done! xD 

Ohhh, you know officers? give them my number! for research purposes of course! xD.  

And thank you for the lovely words, much appreciated <3