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Is king armour a good investment?
Upvote for yes
Downvote for no

(1 edit)

 it depends on what u mean by investment. If ur talking about stats then technically nothing in the shop is a good investment except armor with zoom and ig speed. If thats the case then some is and some isnt. For cosmetic purposes it's in your own opinion 

If u want to save for fearless then id say its not

not really as asusuaaususya said for cosmetic purposes it’s ur opinion if for stats it’s bad 

Well saying it's bad is kinda meaningless bcs all skins are technically "bad" it just wouldn't be a good decision cuz there is cheaper things with the same stats

depends if you wanna save for fearless

Heyy bowboi it's me!! Pretty long time no see;)

yeah, pretty long time!

Lol lost my account for almost month💀

lol at least you're back

yeah that's the point👍

(1 edit)

nice new name tho fits your pfp

Lol thanks its short ver of ivellian thoooo

well imma sleep now gn!
