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(1 edit)

Hi Frame-Perfect Studio,

I know the difficulties of doing a game that tries to target every audience. I know also that no one would like to play my game when it first comes out. Not even when it will have 10 years of existance or more. I'm not doing the game for money or to be famous (also the game will be free, so...), I'm just doing it for fun. And for your question of what the game has to offer that's no where to be seen, that is an obvious answer.


 It's just a Multi-Genre. The Platformer, RPG, Puzzle and Metroidvania Gameplays are what you would expect from a regular game. Though here it's where it gets a little bit different. The 5th Gameplay I didin't mentioned will be something like a Isometric Platformer, but with different Mechanics (examples: You can only move in the Y axis in 5 lines and it actually isn't that isometric). But that's about it. And I know it.

But I also don't want to stick with one single type of game. Take Project MA as an example. You probably haven't heared anything about it, right? Well, it's because it is yet another platformer, with poor graphics, meh music, and has one of the worsts physics and controls of all time. But why do i take it as an example? Because, as you said, no one would like to play it. Not even Bad Game Reviewers like SomecallmeJohnny would play that garbage. While my newest game MiKe Adventures at least has something to offer that some games fail trying to do at (I mean, it's obvious but...). Diversity. I'M trying to make the game as polished, easy to understand and fun to play as I can. And even if no one dowloads the game during it's life time, I will still be proud of doing a game with multiple "games" inside it.

Anyway, I understand that everyone should always start with something easy to do an then move to a big project, and that's what i'm doing right now, moving from Project MA to MiKe Adventures, from a bad to a maybe-good game. But anyways, I wish you luck too with your next projects and thanks for the Reply!

PhilRACO Ind. (a.k.a Meyer)

PD: If you want to know, what Project MA was, just google "project ma philraco" and you'll find it.