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The key of this tool is that you just have to save the Aseprite file to instantly see changes ingame. It's awesome.

That being said, after toying with it, I'm missing a couple features, and I would like to share it with you to see your thoughts:

  • Export extra info for each frame: For example, using a slice I set on a different position each frame on Aseprite, and then being able to get that position coordinates ingame (maybe using Animation Events) to attach another sprite to that position (like a weapon).
  • An option that, if it's enabled and you have an Animator Controller attached, automatically creates one State for each animation, with the same name and each animation attached.

That's all. Thanks a lot for creating these amazing tools, and keep up the great work!

Hi there, Davitsu. Could you send me an example file containing the moving slice? I just want to make sure I'm understanding slices and how people may use them. Thanks. (email:


Hey Sean, I sent you an email with all the information.
Thanks for considering these features!

Was this feature ever explored? I've been wondering if something such as this would even be possible.