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In case you forgot our holy gods, Zephyr and Maxwell:

i'd say i'm a demigod

And you'd be right.

ye lol I start from scrap and look at where i am now!

the deity of unfair teams and hate against against tryhards n noobs

oh wait who have i become tho

oh yeah i became a demi ok


yo i found this bird i wanna hunt

Heheh, lets do it.

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heh. heh. heh.

wait you wanna barbecque it or sundry it? what flavor? truffle salt? basil? garlic &parsley?

I like all my birds grilled, tastes very good.

Also, I think garlic and parsley would taste well with Kiju.

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box bird w/ apple juice (apple j bc when i search kiju it give me a block of apple juice) and garlic & parsley yum

lol, yep

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don't u dare


whatcha gonna do about it.

drive over maxwell with a car

Good luck, he's a god :

so is kiju

true . . . but who has more lives?

kiju is immortal

yes, kiju dosent need lives to live. Maxwell on the other hand...

a cat got nine lives idiot

run over it 9 times ig

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💀 rip 


it would get scratched to pieces

or if ya turned it into an anime catgirl that would confuse the opponent 4 some time giving maxwell enough time to react and do something

this is all assuming Maxwell still has a life

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yes. using one of her 8 lives


but maxwell must be female or it would fail

welp if yall made a pic of maxwell as cat girl i‘d accept it

ok so i just google up catgirl with black ears boom

oh i will

i dont like hunting birds

Assuming we'll even hit it.


Im crossbow god candidate

Thank you my dear messenger of the gods. Havoc!

lol, thanks!