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Does the Leaderboard work? I don't see my score

(1 edit) (+1)

It seems to still be working, but you have to be in the top 12 to see yourself there. I sadly didnt have time to make it possible to your own rank if youre out of the 12 range.

I might be dumb and needed to press on a button to submit my score because I was in the rank 8. Nvm then great game had load of fun tryharding it!


Oooh it might be that the leaderboard has a limit?? It reached 100 people a while ago, and one other person said they didnt get on the leaderboard... I thought it was the profanity filter or something. I'm gona remove some people at the bottom! Thanks for letting me know!


It should be working now! Hopefully you want to try getting a record again :)


I just did thanks you!

You got 57??? Whaaat!! Well played, would love too see some gameplay if you happened to record it!!


Ohh, I did not, but I could try to do it again and send you the video.

That would be awesome!