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(1 edit) (+1)

Really fun, simple controls and easy to pick up! I love games where you have the ability to end up with an OP build.

The swinging felt nice! I also appreciated the variety of enemies with different skills.

The level decorations added a lot of charm to it, and the sound effects fitted the visual aesthetic of the game.

I liked how some trade offs gave you a net zero effect while others appeared to give you an edge when they were actually reducing your stat (for example gain 21% lose 20% of the same stat), though I'm not sure if they did now, because I don't know the order they were applied in! Just in case, I still avoided them :).

EDIT: I forgot to mention, in the last wave my character got huge, and I didn't understand why (other enemies did too, I assumed that was because the curse said they would get bigger), it did made the game harder! Though I still managed to beat it with my turbo blade!!

Cool game!


Thanks for pointing these things out, yeah I really wanted to make the swing feel good since that's what needs to be done in the majority of the game :D Yeah I should have made up a better reason and communicate better why you get stronger at the last wave. I just didn't want to make it too hard and wanted to give the player a chance to enjoy the gamplay when things get a little out of hand hahaha. Thanks for playing!