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holy shit. i JUST finished arc 4 (and im in absolute agony, thanks </3) and im still trying to process everything i just saw, very sorry if this comment is complete nonsense lol

so first off the ART STYLE!!! it's so unique and the character designs are so interesting to look at, i was in love at first sight <333 the music and sound design was AMAZING, fantastic choices all around!!! the environments/backgrounds (especially in wonderland itself) looked great and i was immersed from start to finish. and the characters,,,, the story,,,,,

the entire cast is so complex and interesting, i really related to iggy and orlam (i mean sort of, was not rockin w/ the cannibalism but like therapy is expensive, do what you gotta do ig) and genzou is just,,,, <3333 (most of the time) and overall i just loved everything about this game, genuinely freaked me the hell out (in the best way possible) and made me ugly sob (sometimes at the same time) and IM SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW IT ENDS!!! ur so so talented and i cant wait to see what you do next <3

now if you'll excuse me i need to draw silly fanart so i can pretend these characters can be happy for more than a milisecond. you did not let genzou rest for a SECOND my god 😭

OH GOSH I AM VERY SORRY FOR THE AGONY??? 😭💦 Ohhhhh this comment is so nice tho HELP. I'm so happy you liked the game. Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to write all this up ahhhh it means so much 🥺

I'm really happy you like the art style??? Even after this long I still am quite shy when it comes to my style and hope it's not too much of a turn off. So hearing that really fills me with joy,,, 💕

"i mean sort of, was not rockin w/ the cannibalism but like therapy is expensive, do what you gotta do ig" --> HELP LOLOL this is making me laugh so hard god 🤣 I am glad you liked the chars tho hehe, and that you could relate to parts of them. I always hope ppl will be able to find at least something in one of the characters they can vibe with 🤭 

Guhhh you are too kind to me tho HELP. That is extremely lovely and sweet. Thank you so much for the kind words?? 😭💕 I'm over the moon that you liked it so much. I'm working hard on Arc 5, though am admittedly nervous and want to make sure it lives up to everything. I hope you'll like it once it's finished!

And omg if you do end up drawing anything I'd love to see it! I love art so much dchdd 🥰

"you did not let genzou rest for a SECOND my god" --> GOD IT'S TRUE wh-what have I done... 😭